Conservation is the management, protection, and wise use of natural resources. Natural resources include all the things that help support life, such as sunlight, water, soil, and minerals. Plants and animals are also natural resources.


    Many dry regions of the United States, such as parts of the West and Midwest, face serious water shortages. In some areas, people obtain water by drilling wells to tap underground supplies. These water sources have been depleted so much that they are running low. Some rural areas and cities obtain water by damming rivers to create reservoirs. Dams are also built to control flooding. But in many cases, the construction of new dams to meet ever-increasing demands for water threatens wildlife. This creates large political problems.
    Some cities near seacoasts meet a small part of their water needs by desalting seawater. This process, which is called desalination, requires large amounts of fuel for energy and is therefore expensive.
    Water conservation is very important. Some of the ways you can conserve water include prudent watering, use low-volume toilets and flow-restricting faucets and showerheads. Never flush toxics down the sink or toilet.

    Humans have greatly increased the rate of soil erosion by removing natural vegetation to clear land for construction projects, mining operations, or farmland. Rain water, wind, and other natural forces gradually wear away the soil. This process, called erosion, normally occurs very slowly. But because humans have altered the land, the process of erosion occurs much more quickly. This is a problem because erosion washes the fertile layer of soil.

    Cars are among the greatest culprits in air pollution, but there are may ways of conserving our air. In most major cities in the world, public transportation exists. By using it, you can save money, and help conserve the air.
    By conserving our natural resources we help save the earth. By helping save the earth we ensure that we will have cleaner air, more arable land, and better water in the future. We live in an equilibrium with the earth, and it is important that we don't abuse or exploit it.

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